An unbelievable story for guitar & narrator


It's unbelievable what happens to our object in this story. First it washes ashore on a deserted island in the South Seas, enchants the islanders and is then kidnapped by a wild gang of monkeys. But that's not enough! The journey continues in a raging river over roaring waterfalls and temporarily ends in the hunting grounds of an amorous crocodile. The end of the story is not yet revealed here. However, I would advise players to equip themselves well with the necessary material in order to successfully complete this tropical expedition.
With these pieces, students have a wide range at their disposal to get started with two-part playing with bass. Simple position playing on the first string and some effects complete the offering, with emphasis always placed on the economy between good playability and musical effect.
“Pedro’s Dream” is ideal for student concerts. The text can be spoken introductory between each piece of music. The pieces can be distributed among several players. Maybe you can find suitable props to round off the concert.

Pedros Dream , Pedros Traum, Le rêve de Pedro (PDF) including score & Tabs

a short story for narrator and guitar, 13 easy guitar pieces including score & TABS,texts in english, french and german


“Pedro’s Dream” is ideal for student concerts. The text can be spoken introductory between each piece of music. The pieces can be distributed among several players. Maybe you can find suitable props to round off the concert.

  1. Pedro Falls Asleep / Pedro schläft ein / Pedro s'endort
  2. Wildfire / Lauffeuer / Trainée de poudre
  3. Magic Song / Zaubergesang / Berceuse magique
  4. Monkey Gang / Affenbande / Singeries
  5. Fooling Around / Unfug / Bêtises
  6. The Tiger / Der Tiger / Le tigre
  7. The River / Der Fluss / Le torrent
  8. Crocodie in Love / verliebtes Krokodil / Crocodile amoureux
  9. Wedding Dance / Hochzeitstanz / Dans de mariage
  10. Lamentation / Trauerlied / Plainte
  11. Flight of the Flamingo / Flug des Flamingos / Vol du flamant rose
  12. Pedros Song/ Pedros Lied / Chanson de Pedr0

24,00 €

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